
Table of Contents

Section I. Overview

Section 2. The World Turtle

About this article

This article will cover a high level, holistic understanding of asynchronous JavaScript as simply and accessibly as possible from the perspective of the low level (C/C++/hardware) developer.

For more insight into functional programming I recommend the LambdaCast podcast on SoundCloud.

Infinite regress: turtles all the way down

The purpose of this article is to find the “world turtle” of all of these asynchronous concepts in JavaScript.

Async/await knowledge relies on Promises + Generators knowledge

Promises knowledge relies on Generators

Generators knowledge relies on Iterators

Iterators knowledge relies on Symbols

Symbols knowledge relies on Objects

Higher order functions

In computing, you’ll hear about “higher order functions” a lot.

A higher order function is a function that:

It is often said:

“In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects.”

  • In JS, functions are Objects. (Functions are of the Function data type, which is an Object. MDN)
  • That means that they can be used like any other Object.
  • So, you can do a lot of stuff with functions, including:
  • We can pass functions into functions as arguments, and operate on those args.
  • We can return functions from functions.

Callbacks are a great use case for “functions as first class objects” in JS; passing a function as arguments as per above.

Callbacks are higher order functions.

JS is single threaded and uses async queues

Recall in Verilog and/or hardware/combinational logic that we have synchronous and asynchronous circuits and hardware such as flip flops and asynchronous latches;

Recall also that C languages are generally synchronous (pthread excepted); that C++ has std::thread, and that we use things in assembly code to pipeline and take into account particular parts of the shift register pipeline of the CPU.

  • Synchronous: “line 2 cannot execute until line 1 is complete.”
  • Asynchronous: “Whatever is available and convenient, executes now.”

Ever hear this: “JavaScript is single threaded …. AND async.” Well, that’s not exactly correct. The JS engine uses a call stack… and it uses multiple queues to simulate asynchronous operations.

function first() {
    }, 500)

function second() {

> 2
> 1

Wow - that’s cool. Is JS really a single threaded language?

Answer: It absolutely is. It just “emulates” asynchronous behavior via the use of multiple queues which enqueue events, and fire those events on the call stack when the scheduler for those events has decided to push those events on the call stack.

The concepts above are similar to how Node (V8 Engine) uses a C++ worker queue threadpool for jobs that have a different processing time (see operating systems and “CPU-Bound” versus “IO-Bound” jobs).

Read this for more information on the queues and stacks JS uses to emulate an asynchronous language

Callbacks are one of those asynchronous constructs which are placed on a queue when defined, and which the queue places on the call stack when the scheduler has determined that it’s time to execute.


Callbacks are functions which are passed as args to other functions, and then usually "called back" (called within that containing function, either by name, or by the arguments object which can be used to access lambdas/anonymous functions passed in as args). See my first post in this series for more on the arguments object. But usually, you pass them in - and invoke them - by name.

Since they’re invoked inside another function, callbacks are also closures.

This and callback context

See my first post in this series on “this/bind/call/apply” for more on setting the correct “this.” - if you’re using “this” relevant to callbacks, make sure to handle it correctly for how JavaScript scopes variables.

See also:

MDN on callbacks).

For C/C++ developers: Callbacks are function pointers in C/C++ (MDN).

A lot of the time, callbacks are used when processing time for a network request is nondeterministic (which is, a lot of the time). Read more about callbacks on MDN, Dr Axel Rauschmayer’s site, JavaScriptIsSexy, or similar.

Section II. The World Turtle


It’s relative at this point to bring up a few review topics about JS objects:

  • Object property keys must be Strings (or Symbols), so they’re coerced using .toString()
  • Square bracket notation can be used to access properties (keys) via expression assignment
const obj = {}

const key = 2

obj[key] = 'yarp'                 

console.log(obj)               // { 2: 'yarp' }

console.log(Object.keys(obj))  // [ '2' ] -> it's a string! Not a number.

All Object keys must be strings

See how the Number 2 was converted into a string? That’s because all Object keys must be a string. .toString() is called under the hood to convert!

Note the MDN polyfill.


Totally Unique

Recall that JavaScript object keys must always be a string (or Symbol), able to be coerced to a string, or an empty string.

So, Symbols are pretty weird. They’re a primitive type; you can’t call “new Symbol”, because the new keyword is for Objects.

Every time you call Symbol(), you create a new unique Symbol, with its own memory reference.

Use cases:

  • Totally unique object keys (don’t appear in iterations*; a “hidden layer” in objects) … avoid name collisions, use globals without fear
  • Metadata in objects
  • Add hooks to objects
  • Enums (since values always different)
  • Privacy (see Information Hiding post)
let q = Symbol()

let obj33 = {
  prop: 'a prop',
  [q]: 'Symbolix'

console.log(obj33) // { prop: 'a prop' } ... Symbol doesn't show up!

My Github gist on Well Known Symbols, Reflection and Metaprogramming in JS:

Please also see the gist itself for info on information hiding, why instanceOf sometimes lies, and other nerdy arguments.


We’ve all iterated

We’ve all used for of, .forEach, .every, .some, and similar constructs.

In ES6, the ES6 iteration protocol is used under the hood with the spread operator, with array destructuring, Maps and Sets constructors, Promises, Array methods, and much more.

Iterator Object

An Iterator Object has a next() method which returns done and value, and it iterates until done is truthy: source

let iteratorObject = {
    next() {
        return {
            done: true,
            value: null

Iterable Object returns Iterator Object via Symbol.iterator

An Iterable Object has an iterator method with the key Symbol.iterator that returns an iterator object: source

let iterableObject = {
  [Symbol.iterator]() { return iteratorObject; }  

Arrays are Iterable

My Github gist on Arrays:

More info from my gist:

Converting other things to arrays

  • Array.from()
  • Spread operator can convert Sets to Arrays

  • The spread operator inserts the values of an iterable into an Array (from Dr Axel):
const arr = ['b', 'c'];
const arr2 = ['a', ...arr, 'd']

// arr2 is now:
> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

Maps and Sets are Iterable, and Plain Objects aren’t

We don’t iterate with Objects via “Iterable” protocols because of problems with the prototype chain, and for other reasons as well; instead, we use Object.entries() and Object.keys(). In ES6 we also have Maps, Sets:

My Github gist on Maps and Sets:

More info from my gist:

For of on Maps (and Sets)

Iterating through entire key-value collection with for of

> for ( let pair of artists) { console.log(pair) }

[ 'jazz', 'coltrane' ]
[ 'funk', 'curtis mayfield' ]

Same thing, with specifying key and value for each element

> for ( let [key, value] of artists ) { console.log(key, value) }

jazz coltrane
funk curtis mayfield


You can convert a Set to an Array with the Spread Operator : let anArray = [...aSet]

Iterators: Strings, spread, and for of

Another little gist I made:


Use cases:

  • Lazy evaluation : only evaluate parts of a function when necessary
  • Processing large data sets / lots of memory
  • Asynchronous programming

The function signature of a Generator function uses a pointer:

let gen = function * generateRadness () {
  // yield something

let callGen = gen() // return something that was yielded.

// goto back to Generator.... return (default undefined).

Generators are reentrant

Most people who have written Assembly have hand-written reentrant functions, without an operating system. I’ve done this, and it has immensely helped me to understand what all of this is about.

You can think of Generators as reentrant functions (description here) that are “interrupted” and yield control. The interrupt is initiated by the next() invocation used by a reference to the Generator; when next() is completed, control flow is returned to the Generator in the next line of code down. It’s similar to a goto statement. A lot of high level developers think that goto statements are always bad - but the Linux kernel has thousands of these statements.

  • Generator functions return a generator object that’s both Iterable AND Iterator, so they have a Symbol.iterator method for the traversal/pointer, AND a .next().

  • yield: pauses execution (in the Generator)

  • next(): resumes execution (from the caller manipulating the Generator)

Generators implement iterables

A generator function returns a generator object which is iterable, and hence may be consumed by iterable constructs (for of, etc).

  function * generateRadness () {
     yield 'rad'
     yield 'radder'
     yield 'raddest'

  let iterateRadness = generateRadness() // {value: "rad", done: false} // {value: "radder", done: false} // {value: "raddest", done: false} // {value: undefined, done: true}

We know iterables can be consumed with iterator constructors. Same for Generators. Let’s use some ES6 spreading:

  let destructureRadness = generateRadness()

  [ ... destructureRadness ] // (3) ["rad", "radder", "raddest"]

Where are we now? We’re at the end! Pointers, people!  // {value: undefined, done: true}

Generators return undefined by default. Let’s make a custom return.

  function * returnToForever () {
     yield 'chickCorea'
     yield 'is the best'
     yield 'shredder'
     return 'to forever'

  let iterator = returnToForever() // {value: "chickCorea", done: false} // {value: "is the best", done: false} // {value: "shredder", done: false} // {value: "to forever", done: true}

You can do all sorts of stuff with Generators. Here’s an up counter.

  let getCountupIterator = function *() {
    let i = 0;
    while (i <= 10) {
      yield i++;

It’s iterable, so we can spread it:

  console.log ( [ ...getCountupIterator() ] // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Consuming (and controlling) a Generator with an Iterator

Or we can just create an iterator, and then call next:

  let it = getCountupIterator() // {value: 0, done: false}
  ..... // {value: 10, done: false} // {value: undefined, done: true}

You can also use arguments inside the caller to feed new values to the Generator which are then used by the Generator in that new context when control flow returns to the Generator after .next() completes.

Generators Conclusion

There’s a lot you can do here with Generators that I haven’t covered. Look it up!


This article is mostly about generators and async/await, not Promises. The “Promises” section is mostly included so that the reader makes a logical connection between promises and these other async operations. It’s not really a section that actually covers a lot about Promises at this point.

Promises: MDN

Promises: Fundamentals (Google Developers)

Promises: States and Fates is a great document on Promises written by a Google developer Domenic Denicola.

From that article, let’s discuss Promise States and Promise Fates:


  • Fulfilled (settled)
  • Rejected (settled)
  • Pending


  • Resolved
  • Unresolved

(A promise is Resolved if resolution operations have no effect (because it’s either already settled, or it’s chained into another promise).

Promise chains are great because they simulate synchronous code by catching all Exceptions. If you throw an error, you can .catch() it later. See MDN: Using Promises

Most of the time we write Promises from scratch, we use them to wrap old APIs see MDN:

setTimeout(() => saySomething("10 seconds passed"), 10000);

Let’s wrap that in a Promise:

const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

wait(10000).then(() => saySomething("10 seconds")).catch(failureCallback);



Async await

Using and understanding Async/await

async/await works a lot like Generators:

  • await keyword replaces yield.
  • Instead of function*, it uses the async function keyword.

Know what’d be cool? If Generators could return a promise instead of just a single value, and the external function that controls the .next() of the Generator, would handle the Promise chain until the Generator finally returns. Well, that’s actually the case - we have libraries to do that. Then the Generator still needs an external “controlling” function, like the Iterator above that consumes the Generator as it produces.

However, with async/await, that’s built in! AND we don’t need an external function for it.

  async function doStuff() {
    const results = doAsyncXHRStuff() // yields, waits!
    return results


  • Async/await can only execute sequentially, not in parallel, so choose the use cases wisely;
  • Async/await always returns a Promise.


See also:

Category: tutorials